Minutes for February 22, 2005 Meeting

Present: Zae, Lee, Ed J., Pam, Ron, Rey, Glenda Rae, Paul, Peter, Ellyn

Old Business

  1. The minutes for February 8 were approved as written.

  2. Progress Reports
  3. Procurement subcommittee report: We can get white magnetic ribbons for cars that say "Bring the Troops Home Now" for $2 apiece for 50 or $2.50 apiece for 25. At first we decided to wait until Dustin was present to present a plan for selling these ribbons, but Ellyn offered to front the $100 to purchase them. We decided to sell them for $3.00 at the rally on March 20th and at the weekly vigil. We will brainstorm other venues at the next meeting.

  4. Student brunch: The Notre Dame Peace Coalition hosted this very successful event on February 12. Goshen Colege, Notre Dame, Dowagiac High and Clay High all had student representatives. There were reps from the Catholic Peace fellowship, Peace not War, Notre Dame Peace Coalition, Democracy Now, Military Families against the war, and several reps from MPJC. It was a good opportunity for the students to expand contacts and to coordinate student efforts throughout Michiana. We pushed the summit and rally since organizing for these will be good experience. One of these gatherings a quarter is planned. Zae suggested the next one be held at Saint Mary's to try and get more SMC students involved.

New Business

  1. Bus for the March 20th Rally: Paul and two Notre Dame students are coordinating renting a 56 passenger bus to leave the Notre Dame Circle at 8am and leave the rally at 4pm for the return to Notre Dame. The cost of the bus is $844.00, which puts each ticket at $16. Paul had tickets all printed up. We are to try to collect as much money as we can before March 6, which is the date the deposit is due. Paul has redesigned the flyer for the rally to include local sponsors. We need to add Peace Not War as a sponsor. Ellyn will put it in text form out to the list serv and Peter will put it on the website. Money for tickets should go to Laura Fox ([email protected]) or Paul Mishler at IUSB. We will check progress on the bus at the next meeting.

  2. New url for MPJC: Peter has obtained a new url -- www.michianapeacejustice.org -- the old url is still valid.

  3. Local plans for March 19th anniversary of start of war: We decided at the last meeting to incorporate this protest with the regular Saturday vigil from 1 - 2 at Grape and Cleveland. Pam will make the Quagmire Accomplished banner available and we will use the MPJC banner. Someone will bring it to Indy the next day.

  4. Other topics and Issues
  5. Next Meeting. We will meet at 1036 N. Niles on Tuesday, March 8th. It will be announced via the List Serv and at the weekly vigil.