Old business
1. Approval of Minutes for July 8: Since there was
not a quorum present, the minutes were read only. Note: A quorum consists
of the members who attend a meeting, so actions can be taken at every meeting.
2. Progress Reports
a. July 21 meeting with Representatives:
Pam reported that there wasn't much to report since only she and Carol were
there during the week prior to July 21. An appointment was made to meet with
Donnelly's aide. On July 21, nine people went to the meeting with Hodge Patel
and five or six went to Sen. Bayh's office to meet with Julie Vukovich.
b. IPJN report: There was no IPJN report and no report on canvassing literature.
d. Letter re Donnelly: There was no discussion of this topic other than to express appreciation for Sylvia's good letters to the editor periodically.
e. Hiroshima Day Vigil: Lois reported that she and Glenda Rae were well received by the director of the Morris and given a preferred location to set up the huge easel and writing place for inviting people to comment to our congressman and senators what they think about the continued use of nuclear weapons. (See the flyer which Bernie and Carol handed to approximately 160 people). 32 people wrote on and signed the flyers which were posted on the easel. Ron and Pam will take the copies to Donnelly's and Bayh's offices and Lois will mail them to Senator Lugar and President Bush.
f. Topic of the Month - Environmental Issues: The listserv has not commented so this issue will be continued this month. Rey will send a reminder of the extension.
3. Treasurer's Report: Glenda Rae reported $274.86 in checking and a 25 cent contribution from a man at the vigil the day before.
New Business
1. What do we (can we) do next?:
a. Check with Kathy on the anti-war canvassing plans.
2. Policy for updating vigil signs: We need to focus on the environment e.g. oil drilling. There was a discussion on finding the balance between the war and all the issues impacted by it (alternative social services, health, education, decreasing our dependency on oil, etc.) Pickens on T.V. was mentioned.
Rey asked for support for the recommendation: "Any sign made individually outside of group efforts needs to contain the legible signature of the maker to facilitate any possible issue resolution." This policy was agreed to by those present.
3. South Bend Equality petition: Bernie was not present to report on this topic.
4. SOA Watch newsletters: Ed was not present to report on this topic.
5. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9pm. Delicious english tea muffins, coffee, and ginger snaps served by hosts Pam and Ron were enjoyed throughout the meeting.
6. Next meeting: A date was not set at the meeting. Peter set the date for Tuesday, September 9, at Pam and Ron's. It was later changed to Peter and Ellyn's due to carpenter work at Pam and Ron's.