Minutes for MPJC Meeting of October 6, 2009


Present: Peter, Ellyn, Glenda Rae, Pam, Ron, Rey, Rebecca, Lois

Old business
    1.  Approval of Minutes for September 1: The minutes were approved with some typos corrected, change the number of musical interludes by the Michiana Male Chorus from "several" to "two" in the International Prayer for Peace report, and note that it was Glenda Rae's suggestion (tongue in cheek) that Rey sit in on the Catholic Worker porch..

    2. Progress Reports
        a. Topic of the Month: Afghanistan. Peter had not followed through on drafting a statement on Withdrawal from Afghanistan. Since October 7 was the 8th anniversary of the start of the war and it was the day after our meeting, we decided to ask everyone on the list serv to send a letter to President Obama from the www.iraqpledge.org/nogoodwar.html website. Peter also drafted a policy on Withdrawal from Afghanistan and sent it out for comment in the same email. Rebecca noted that the status of women has not improved since the present government of Afghanistan took over. There is a film, "Rethinking Afghanistan" which was shown at IUPUI recently. Caity is working to bring it to IUSB. Once the date and time are set we can publicize it.

        b. International Day of Prayer for Peace: This was a very impressive event. Seeing all the different faiths pray for peace together instead of struggling with each other for supremacy was very moving. David Cortright's talk was also well received. There were about 50 folks in the audience.

        c. Health Care Initiative: The Labor Day picnic was well attended. Ellyn gave a good talk from the doctor's perspective. Peter, Ellyn, Pam, Ron, Rey, and Glenda Rae represented MPJC. Peter had made some new signs tying health care to the war. There will be a health care rally sponsored by a dozen organizations including MPJC at 1:30pm, Saturday, October 10, at the Morris Civic space by the fountain. Ellyn will speak. Lois suggested we hold signs tying health care to the war. Peter will bring them.

        d. MLK Day 2010 Plans: We approved paying $40 for a table at this event. Glenda Rae will send in the application with the check.

        e. Topic of the Month: Support for Conscientious Objectors: Rey has heard from Aimee Shalide, director of the Catholic Peace Fellowship, and she is willing to meet with us to discuss how we can help. Rey and Peter agreed to follow through with this. Mike Baxter has been away teaching for 6 months. We have heard from folks who were involved with going to schools and talking about counter-recruitment but this program seems to have stopped. We wondered if the CPF counseling has a Catholic focus and if they only counsel Catholics. Peter noted that the GI Rights Hotline is still sponsored by the CPF. Lois recommended the Courage to Resist website.

3. Treasurer's Report: Our bank total is $117.95 with $1.76 in petty cash. The gun buyback group is sponsoring a lunch on October 27 at noon at the Church of the Holy Trinity. Glenda Rae will attend and accept any awards we may get. She assured the group there will be no trophies made out of pieces of the destroyed guns.

New Business

    1. What do we (can we) do next? We will continue with the Monday vigils but will discontinue Saturday vigils for the immediate future. Aimee informed us about the film "On the Line" (a film about the protest at the SOA). It will be shown at IUSB Wiecamp Hall on Wednesday, October 21 at 7pm. It will also be shown at First Unitarian Church on Sunday, October 25 at 7pm.

Lois mentioned the photo contest at the library and the importance of having an antiwar photo in the contest for folks to see. We are not trying to win a prize, just raise awareness. There are no application forms yet available. Lois wanted to get the Peace Institute at ND involved with thinking of subject matter. She wondered about including the Statue of Liberty in front of the old Court House in some way. What does it mean to be in the land of the free? Ellyn suggested we use the picture on the top of the website with the bean poll about how to spend your tax dollars and folks liked that idea.

November 11, Veterans Day, formerly Armistice Day, falls on a Wednesday this year. Should we try to beef up our Monday vigil and focus on bring the troops home? Should we plan something for Wednesday. We decided to postpone decision on this until the next meeting (We will have to do it by email since the next meeting is November 10.

    2. Jobs with Justice Dinner: This will be held on Thursday, October 29, at the Mishawaka FOP, way out on 12th St. Glenda Rae will be honored, so she and Rey get in free. Peter thought it would be nice if we got an MPJC table. A table of 8 costs $200. Lee and Lisa will attend, and Peter will as well. No one else at the meeting committed to buy a ticket. Peter will talk to folks at the October 10 health care rally.

    3. St. Marcellus Day events: This annual event will be held on Friday, October 30. Folks will meet at Seitz Park at 2pm and have a prayer walk to the Basilica of Sacred Heart at Notre Dame. Following the 4pm visitation of the relics of St. Marcellus, the group will walk to Holy Cross College for the reenactment of the martyrdom of St. Marcellus and testimonies of COs. This will start at 5pm, followed by a soup supper at 6:15, and an evening prayer service at 7:30 at which Mary Jo Leddy will give a keynote address. There will be a workshop 9-3 on Saturday at Little Flower Church. Mary Jo Leddy will lead the workshop titled "Christian Spirituality and Discipleship in the Heart of the Empire." There is a $25 registration fee before October 15, and $35 afterwards for the Saturday workshop. for more information visit www.cpnv.net

    4. Topic of the Month: We decided to continue developing an MPJC position on U.S. involvement in Afghanistan.

    5. Other Topics and Issues: The National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC) meeting will be in Cleveland November 6-8. Peter, Glenda Rae, and Rey will attend. For more info visit www.nwtrcc.org.

There is a healing service for victims of domestic violence at Madison Center on October 10 from 1-3pm.

Kathy Kelly will speak at the Catholic Worker Drop in Center (Our Lady of the Road) on Main St. at 7:45pm, Friday, December 4. This will be preceded by Mass at 6pm and potluck dinner at 7pm. She is on her way to DC for the Peaceable Assembly Campaign - Jan 11-22, a nonviolent resistance for 11 days in front of the White House to ask for an end to the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

    6. Next meeting: The next meeting will be at Peter and Ellyn's on Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 7 pm.