Old business
1. Approval of Minutes for October 8: The minutes
were approved.
2. Progress Reports
a. Environmental Issues Topic of the
Month: We tabled this until the next meeting.
b. IPJN report: No one present had any information on IJPN. There has been no email contact with them since the Spring.
c. St Marcellus Day Events: The day was a big success. After walking from Mishawaka, more than 200 folks gathered at Seitz Park to see the reenactmnet play and hear the Manchester College. Some of them proceeded to the Unitarian church for a good dinner and then to Sacred Heart Church to hear Fr. Rohr.
d. Voting Policy Topic of the Month: Peter posted our current policy on the list serv asking for help in improving it. No one commented. We decided to leave the policy as stated.
3. Treasurer's Report: Glenda Rae was not present.
New Business
1. What do we (can we) do next? Post Election plans: November 22nd is the third Friday which every month is Iraq Moratorium day. We were asked to talk to our Representatives this month about withdrawal from Iraq and pressing Obama not to send more troops to Afghanistan. Peter and Ellyn will try go to Donnelly's office to do this. Pam suggested having folks like the minister at Zion Church speak at our MPJC meeting. She is going to host the next meeting at her house and will call folks to see if we can get a better turnout.
2. Campaign to Establish a Department of Peace: Lois had asked that we support this effort and write postcards to senators and representatives and also to Obama asking them to back Rep Kusinich's bill. We decided to fill out the post cards during the next meeting.
3. Youth Violence as a public health crisis: A number of U.S. cities have passed a proclamation to treat this problem more seriously. We discussed bringing it to Mayor Luecke and the City Council but made no decision. We will bring it up at the next meeting.
4. Human Rights Anniversary celebration: This is sponsored by the Social Forum and will take place on December 6, 2-5pm at UAW Local #5 1426 S. Main St. in South Bend. For more information see www.michianasocialforum.org. We decided to have a table at this event. Lois will coordinate and ask Kathy to help. Lois will call to reserve table space and Peter will gather materials. We will feature counter recruitment, cost of war, where taxes go, bean pole, cluster bomb info, post cards to Reps.
5. Topic of the Month: We are still working on the environmental issue.
6. Other Topics and Issues: We decided to have a table at the annual MLK celebration on January 19. See above for list of materials. Lois will coordinate and Pam and Ron and others will help. Glenda Rae wuill send in the application. There will be a post election gathering at the college democrats office on Mishawaka Ave. on November 22.
7. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:15pm.
8. Next meeting: The next meeting will be at Pam and Ron's during the second week of January. The exact date will be decided later after Pam hasa a chance to call folks.