Minutes for 12/04/02

Michiana Peace and Justice Coalition.
Lois Clark, Ed Jensen, Peter Smith and Ellyn Stecker present. We discussed the following:

l. Rally for Dec. 9th in SB. We want to demonstrate the growing anti-war sentiment by having groups with their banners. We also wish to point to the theme of INternational Human Rights Day/celebration of the Nobel Peace prize to former Pres. Jimmy Carter. The St. Mary's groups/some of the Peace church groups/ and others will be there. We have some songs (Battle Hymn of the People) to keep us warm. We plan to have a model of a house with a large poster that reads : BUILD HOUSES, DON'T BOMB THEM with others like "War Destroys Human Rights for all".

We will have people using hammers to give us a drum beat (we don't think we can take any drums out in the cold). We also plan to have some persons beating on pots and pans with posters reading "Feed people. Don't starve them".

We will contact Sen. Bayh's office and if a representative will be there, will send down a contingent. Rep. Roemer's office is almost closed down.

We will send out press notices/releases and notify the police that we will be there. THIS WILL BE A PEACEFUL DEMO WITHOUT CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE. We invite any who accept those terms to join us. Others can do their own rally elsewhere.

2. We hope that those who cannot make our rally will make the rally in Goshen. 2

3. We reviewed what we know about the planning for Martin Luther King week Jan 15 - 20. This will include several events well in the planning stage by the Center for Peace and Non-Violence. See the website for updates later as planning continues.

4. Monday vigils will continue with whomever can come. We will try to participate in one larger rally/vigil monthly.

5. We have an on-going long-standing agreement in our group that if war is declared that we will meet that evening to plan a rally for the next day as well as subsequent actions. Information will be posted on the website as to the place for the meeting. It will be at Ellyn and Peter's or if they are out of town, at Caroline's. The time and place of the rally will be decided at the meeting and posted on the website/listserve/ and through phone calls.

6. Peacemakers at St. Mary's will be meeting next week to plan actions on campus/or with other groups. We will be happy to post finalized plans on the website/listserve if organizers will keep us posted.

7. Peter will be scheduling some civil disobedience training sessions. The first will be Jan. 4, place to be announced. If anyone wishes to help him, contact him at 574-289-2126 or [email protected].

PS: Sign the latest www.moveon.org petition/call/e-mail the president. Ellyn Stecker, MD

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